Rabbit mac song mp3 download
Rabbit mac song mp3 download

rabbit mac song mp3 download

You can download popular albums of Rabbit Mac for free. You can also listen to popular albums with Rabbit Mac songs like Race Gurram, Kanaa, Intha Vechiko, Karuppu Vamsam 2, Ma Carrotz and many others. We not only have hits Bollywood songs of Rabbit Mac but also all hit regional songs on Hungama Music. Listen to your favourite Rabbit Mac top Bollywood songs online in HD quality like never before. All hits Rabbit Mac songs are available on Hungama Music that you can listen online and also get free mp3 downloads.

rabbit mac song mp3 download

You can also find Rabbit Mac special playlists with only Rabbit Mac songs. Hungama Music also allows you to download top mp3 songs online for free and you can download all Indian Rabbit Mac songs and listen to them offline. All latest Rabbit Mac songs are available on Hungama Music for you to listen. The most popular Music in gives you all the hit songs and music that you love! You can listen to top Rabbit Mac popular songs like Sweety, Ria, Somberi, Naari, Savaal. You can experience Rabbit Mac songs across all genres and moods like Heart Broken, Soulful, Chill, Happy, Tripping, Romance, Party. The artiste involved in this album include, D’Shaaq, Land Slide and C.Loco (Ex-Poetic Ammo), Altimet (Ex-The Tarik Crew), Roshan (K-Town Clan), Balan Kashmir (KLG Sqwad), M.c.Haze (Hyperkinetix), Moots (Pop Shuvit), Psychomantra.Rabbit Mac Songs Presenting the most dynamic and versatile Music – Rabbit Mac. The VIP’s attending are Dato’ David Arumugham (Alley’Cats) and other Malaysian Artists. The copyrights for all the songs in this album, is held by PSYCHO.unit Productions. RABBIT mac’s album MA CARROTZ audio launch, was released on the 25th of August 2009, in GSC Cinema Hall 3 Midvalley Megamall at 6.30pm with crowd exceeding 500 pax. PSYCHO.unit has also came up with their own clothing apparels called “PSYCHOLOGICAL” Apparels. They sold more than 900 shirts in Malaysia alone. They are coming up with Caps, Bandanas, Wrist Bands and few Designed Shirts of their very own Tamil Local Artists and Groups in Malaysia very soon before end of the year.

rabbit mac song mp3 download

Featured and composed a Sound Track for India’s Jaya TV’s “Thuppariyum Pulli”. PSYCHO.unit and Rabbit Mac has also worked with a big time movie making company known as MIG Metrowealth by doing Sound Tracks for most anticipated local movies “Senario” and “Ngangkong” which was released end of the year 2009. Apart from that, Rabbit Mac has also featured and worked alongside artists like Bionic Asura, Dhilip Varman, Mista Gee, Mc Phoenix, Haze Freaky G, Saran Z, Sugu Amigoz, Mc.Syze, Lock Up, Vassan, Sasi the Don, Nakeeran from Malaysia, Shabir from Singapore, Dinesh Kanagarathnam from Sri Lanka, DJ.Sathya, Christopher Columbus from Singapore, Srik from India, Charles Bosco from United Kingdoms.

Rabbit mac song mp3 download